Saturday, November 11, 2006

Christmas is Coming!

I usually hate Christmas because of my job, but this year I'm SO excited for the Christmas lights, the tree and all the festive stuff! I'm about halfway done my Christmas shopping. To be honest, Denny already got his present. I bought him a Playstation 2 from E-Bay. Even though it was brand new, I had to try it to make sure I didn't get ripped off! Besides, he was home when it came so it would have been easy for him to guess anyways.

Truth is...I can't wait to give presents and I'm WAY more excited to give than receive!

Last night after Denny & I went to a movie we came home and Abbi had found a bag of Christmas presents in the closet, she ripped it open and was proudly carrying one of the stocking-stuffer decorations shaped like a ball in her mouth. I gave her a lexture, but she was so happy. How could I take the festive spirit away from her?

Raynae is coming to stay the night tonight. I'm excited to have her. Hopefully we'll have some good fun! Maybe Dave & Charlie will be able to enjoy being alone for a while.

I was on a cleaning frenzy this morning and I used my skills to spic and span this disaster! Aaahhhhh....sigh of relief - I love a clean house.

Well, it's time to go...I think my laundry's done. I love being a wife!

Monday, November 06, 2006

There's no WAY I'm that old!

I've really been feeling old lately! My doctor's comment about how it'll take me longer to get over mono because of my age...the fact that I'm nearly 29 and I've just gotten my first student number...the fact that my heart races when I run around the coffee table with my about the little spots turning up on my face lately - they AREN'T freckles!

The little terd that works for me is only 22. I used to be the youngest person where I work - this sucks.

We went to Dave and Charlie's church on Sunday to check out the new thang they got goin' on. It was really great. I'm so proud of my little brother. He has really grown up and is SO talented. I'm jealous. I thought the fact that I could pick things up with my toes was talented, but Dave is amazing. They were all great. There's only 3 of them - but they sound like a full band!

Yesterday was not my day. I was not having any luck. I was dropping everything I touched, broke like 3 things, I couldn't stop thinking about chocolate too! I WAS trying to do the Weight Watchers thing. Since "thin is in" I thought losing at least 5 pounds would make me feel like I needed to go to re-hab for starving people, but when you have chocolate on the brain, becoming 90 pounds isn't easy to do!

Not a word of a lie, I had a dream about eating chocolate cookies and drinking fruity coolers. What is up with that? I am crying on a dime this week too. NO, I'm not pregnant. There's just something wrong with me.