Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, Denny and I celebrated our 1st Anniversary this month - very exciting! Its amazing how quickly it passed, but still feels like we've been married for a few years. Maybe because we're expecting a baby already! I love him more and more every day and I'm so excited for when he becomes a daddy.

We had our Doctor's appointment yesterday. We haven't had one for 5 weeks now, so it is so relieving to hear the baby's heartbeat again! Denny goes to as many appointments as he can. He tries to finish his work in time to make my afternoon appointments. Its so cute how involved he is and how he makes sure I remember to ask all the questions we've had between appointments.

Baby is doing great! I thank God for that! I, however, will continue to have a lot of discomfort and pain. Apparently I have gained a little bit of weight since my last appointment, yikes, so I need to get out walking more no matter how hard or painful it is. And my uterus has already stretched to the size it should be at full term because of the fibroids. So, as it continues to stretch considering that I technically have 10 weeks left, it may get even more painful.

The fibroids grew a small amount since the last ultrasound, the smaller one growing the most, but not a huge amount. The big fibroid at the top has decided to lodge itself up and under my ribs, making it EXTREMELY hard to breathe. I get about 3-4 hours sleep at the most. Usually naps last only 20 minutes. The doctor is recommending that I find a way to sleep in a reclined or semi-sitting position for the rest of the pregnancy. So, we're going to have to make some changes and be creative to be sure that I sleep and the baby gets oxygen!

Because my uterus is stretched already to its "term" size and because of the fibroids, the chances of my body going into labor early are higher. No guarantees, but higher. I see my OBGYN tomorrow to discuss with her options of planning a c-section in order to relieve my discomfort early. Having a c-section will not decrease or change the risk of fibroid hemorrhaging so opting for the c-section at this point would only be to put me out of some misery. The baby can safely be taken in the 37th week, so that would cut it 3-5 weeks shorter for me. As hard as this has been, I pray that baby stays inside and that I don't go into labor before the 36/37 week mark so she gets the most benefit out of growing inside!

We're excited now that we're at the stage where we go to the doctor every two weeks, which means we're that much closer. She is quite the little wiggler and Denny likes putting his head on my tummy and feeling her kick his head as well as hearing her swish around. We can't wait for this stage to be over and for our little baby to start worrying us on the outside!