Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Children's Ministry Days

I know most of the people that sit on the right side of the church. Not because the people on the left are scary...they’re good lookin’ people! It’s because I’m part of that club...the “I need to escape as fast as I can cause I have a screeching kid club”. We’re all over there because we need to get through that door as fast as we can so we sit as close to it as possible. We’re parents.
If I asked for a show of hands how many people in church, whether on the right or left side...have children under the age of many hands would I get? Now, if I asked them to keep hand up if they have children over 13, have raised their children or have no children at many would I get?

Now...if I asked how many people are afraid of children? I bet everyone would put up their hands! I have a child...she’s 8 months...see, here she is...isn’t she cute?
I’m terrified of her every day! It’s like having a rabid bunny in your house. Its cute, but don’t touch it, it could hurt you! I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing and she’ll remember it and say it in the middle of the grocery store. The doctor wants to know where she gets her height from...not me - now I’m afraid she’s going to beat me up some day! What if I tell her about Jesus and she says no?

Jesus said, “Suffer the little Children to come unto me.” There are kids getting saved in our church! Isn’t that exciting?! We need to nurture them and their friends and their parents. We are the ones that need to bring them to Jesus...whether we’re scared of them or not. They can’t come on their own.

Not every job is a teaching job in front of 35 kids. Some jobs are handing out crayons and telling the kids they’re doing a good job coloring in the lines. Some jobs are clean-up, or singing silly songs, or sitting beside the little one that’s too scared to stay without a mommy or daddy.
Kids need to see Grammas and Grampas and people who have no kids, but love their little doggies or their Harleys. Whether you have children, have raised children or have no children at all, you can be a blessing! Church needs all people to volunteer with our Children.
Some may be serving in other areas of the church service...those things are important too. I just don’t want anyone to short-change themselves thinking they’re not kid people or they’re too scared. I’m terrified every Sunday and every day of my life raising my own kid. But I give it to God and I know that if I don’t...who will?

I wasn`t going to help at KAW. There was someone to watch my little one so that I could help with a small group of 5 kids. The first day I sat on my mat with those kids...their little eyes all staring at me like bats saying, “Well, you better start entertaining us!”. I was scared! I was scared because Sarah Cudmore had her kids strumming guitars and saying “Howdy Pardner” and I couldn’t think of an interesting thing to say to my kids! All the other parents were going to be better than me! But you know was the most rewarding thing I did all summer! 3 of my kids asked Jesus into their hearts, because I faced my fear and just loved them.
I wish I could challenge just one person to step out of their comfort zone and come follow Jesus on the other side of the church. The more that come, the less often you’ll have to be there, but I can guarantee you’ll wish you were there every week when those kids start lovin’ you and lovin’ Jesus.