Friday, October 06, 2006

I know, I know it's been a LONG time! It's been a crazy and busy year. So much has happened and I'm excited about what's to come.

I'm at home sick today, couldn't sleep, tired of watching TV, don't have the strength to do anything around the house....SO I thought, "How about that blog that I never seem to update!"

Denny and I were married September 9th. It was such an awesome day! I really wanted to elope, but since we didn't, I have to say that it was an awesome wedding that went according to plan! Everyone that helped was so awesome and we're grateful for all that everyone did.

We keep saying that the best part of the whole thing was getting to the hotel afterwards and just crashing! We went to the River Rock and it's a beautiful hotel. We jumped on the luxurious bed and went for dinner. It was an awesome night. We were pretty emotional from the day and so tired and happy. We remembered how the whole day went and the day before preparing and went over every detail we could remember, cause it went by SO fast!

My first night as a married woman was perfect! I finally got to fall asleep in the arms of the man I love!

Anyways - I should type more's time for some more medication....

1 comment:

thesieberts said...

Hey Tay, Your wedding was indeed beautiful. I am so happy for ya girl. You rock. Well actually you AND Denny rock! We love you guys.