Monday, November 27, 2006

How to Choose

When you are faced with 3 roads before you, which do you choose? When you ask God to open a way and two doors and a window are there, how do you know which to crawl through?

When faced with a choice that can either be God's will, or Satan's distraction, how do you decifer which is the voice of the One you call on?

Here's the facts; God told me my life was going to change, that I was going to have to take a leap of faith, to trust Him. One option opened, now another has presented itself. The first has 2 options within it, the second is unknown, but shows promise to confirm several thoughts or directions once felt to be God's will.

Neither are easy, neither are sure.

It is sure that I trust God. It is sure that wherever He takes me I will be taken care of. He will be there and He will still love me.

But now, which do I choose?

Now, how will I know the right one?

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