Friday, November 03, 2006

The Next Step...

On Wednesday night I took the next step in the school thing...I REGISTERED!! So, now I have to complete 2 of the 3 pre-requisits, then I find out my position in the class. The Registrar told me there is a lot of interest for this class, so I'm nervous!!

I have to say, it's a lot easier going to work knowing that I may not be there next year. It's our busiest time of year, because we do all the Save On Christmas goodies and this may be the LAST TIME I go through that "H-E-double hockey-sticks"!

I'm booked for my first pre-req, the typing test for Nov 16th, 3pm. I just have to type 40 WPM, which should be fine. I'm not worried at all about that - unless I choke. Yeesh. The one I'm worried about is the English Assessement that I'm booked for on November 25th. I haven't written an essay in 11 years - oh my word!

Denny & I have started going to a new small group, just started on Wednesday and it was really good. We really enjoyed ourselves. There's a good combination of ages from 22-46 and everyone seems really friendly and really want to get into the word. I was a little apprehensive at first, but we really enjoyed ourselves and I feel like it will be very promising.

Denny & I have also taken the next step in becoming members at our church PCC. We're very excited to become more involved there and to get to know more people. We really enjoy it there.

I'm excited to see what God has in store for us!!!

1 comment:

thesieberts said...

That's awesome Taya. Congrats...on school and the caregroup and church. Glad you guys are finding your place as a family of your own.