Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Long Hair

I have super long hair right now. Here's the problem, it's not so much the fact that I HAVE long hair, but the fact that I didn't know until November (2 months after getting married) that my husband loves long hair.

So, I have a dilema. See, I love my husband. Yes, I love him more than chocolate cake, although at certain times of the month WHILE I'm eating chocolate cake I could swear that I actually forget that I'm married because it's so yummy. But anyways - I love him, so I want to make him happy and do the things that he thinks are beautiful.

Thing is, I'm sick of combing out this scarecrow mop of browny-blonde mess every morning! You see, I didn't know BEFORE we were married he liked it - I thought he liked it shorter. Cause when I got my haircut he always said how nice it looked.

Not to say that I'm disappointed with my marriage by any means, but it's interesting the little things that come up that you didn't get to discuss before the marriage.

Like the fact that I didn't know that Denny hates grocery shopping and especially on Sundays. How was I to be prepared for the fact that every night he shares my knee pillow with me; and even though he's so skinny, he manages to use at least 3/4 of the blankets at night?

I'm sure he had no idea that only one of my eyes open for the first 1/2 hour that I'm awake, or that when I'm washing my hair I make multiple little hairballs and leave them on the side of the tub so they don't clog the drain. Apparently if you aren't aware, they can appear to be a nest of spiders crawling on the tub.

Who knew?

But the best surprise is how much he loves and supports me. I love the little notes that get left out for me when he's out for the night, the back rubs when I'm not sleeping well, the little giggles that he does when something I do is really funny.

I'm so glad there's so many surprises in marriage! God has given me a life full of surprises.


thesieberts said...

aw Tay! you're awesome and I am so happy that you are happy! Marriage does rock! Yea there are surprises and sometimes hard times but the happy should outweigh. It's so fun getting to know the little details of each other.

I miss you SO MUCH!

Anonymous said...

Heh heh!! I had no idea you were so funny!!!! :D Love the blog :) Nice to read about your thought and feelings. Married life is odd, eh? But so fulfilling. It's mind boggling to be so loved :) Hope you enjoy your first married Valentines! Nic

Anonymous said...

I say cut it, sister!! And tell him if he likes long hair so much maybe he should grow his out!! hahahahahaha


Anonymous said...

Enlist your dh's help and keep it long! Many guys are very disappointed when their babe's hair gets the "marriage chop". Keep the romance sizzling, Girl.