Friday, October 13, 2006

Isn't this cute? It's a plushy you can get on-line of a mono cell. Awwww.

I feel like a prisoner in my own home. I made a caserole yesterday and nearly killed myself. I got in trouble from my husband and Charlie. So, today I'm trying not to do as much - but it's SO HARD!

I miss my husband so much! I can't kiss him, can't sleep with him (in BOTH aspects of the word) and he's gone most of the day and goes to bed before I'm tired cause he has to work.

We both feel like we live separately right now, like before we were married.

It's not all bad - I laughed last night. It was fun. That was the first time I was even able to crack a smile in three days. Ya, that was good times! I've even gotten a get well card! I've never had one of those before! That's something to be thankful for!

I was watching Joyce Meyer this morning and had to stop. You know how when you're on the verge of tears, you get that little sore throat when your face really starts to get into the cry? YA - it's a lot like someone putting a hot poker in the back of my throat right now, so feeling convicted by a television evangelist, not high on my list of fun things to do while I'm sick.

Since I still can't talk on the phone I can't even write about anyone else's life. I heard Charlie has started running - hello!? That rocks! I'm proud of her! I must say my "Never run unless you're being chased by a cop, dog, or it's raining and you have straight hair" motto is not being followed - but I'm proud of her for taking that step. And even if I didn't have the nightmarish kissing disease, I can't say I'd be jealous.

And, since I don't know about what else is happening with anyone, I'll start a rumor - she's going to run in the New York marathon and take me with her to coach her. We'll be staying at Trump Tower, penthouse suite. We've been invited by the mayor to attend a gala event at the Guggenheim where we will meet several - yes, you should be jealous, celebrities! We will first be treated to a shopping spree at Vera Wang by Oprah Winfrey who has also arranged a guided tour of New York and it's finest fire hall by none other guessed it...Matthew Mcconaughey.

Sorry, I must apologize for that little tale. I have been hallucinating an aweful lot during my half-hour SLEEP MARATHONS. Hard to tell what reality is. Sleeping with mono is like going to sleep for what feels like a year: you wake up a completely different person every time.

So, since it's called the "kissing disease, I thought I might as well bring it up. All those well-meaning relatives and friends like to suggestively ask, “what you’ve been up to,” while most people will at least mention it once when you say why you’ve been MISSING for the past 3 or 4 weeks. Yes, I have been "missing" my husband. All I can say is, I will do anything to make sure Denny does not get this. In my mind, MONO feels like a Man-Cold to a man every time he's sick. So I can JUST imagine what it would be like to see Man-MONO! Lord - hear my prayers!!

And of course, there's all those people that have had mono that either laugh at you because they'be been through it, or they tell you how to get over it as quickly as possible. I have had e-mails and homeopathic books sent to me - like everyone I know is a doctor. Hee hee...I know they're just trying to help...and I appreciate it. I have been popping vitamins every 3 hours - I WILL BE WELL!!!!! (picture me shouting that at the top of my lungs, my head thrown back, standing on the kitchen table pounding my chest)

Okay I'm leaving with a computer kiss - ha ha - I just gave you Mono!!


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