Thursday, October 12, 2006

Well - how do I look? I think this is a good picture! I was feeling at the top of my game here. I have been to the doctor 3 times and to emergency once already since last Friday. Tomorrow is officially a week I've been suffering with this throat and gland infection. And it's about 5 weeks of being sick for this stint. My doctor had to write me a note to stay off work until AS LEAST October 23rd. Wasn't my boss THRILLED to hear that? NOT! I think I'll be punished for a long time for this.

The pain last night from 1-10, 10 being the worst was a 12. Last night I took the first 8 steriod pills of my 5-day treatment and it made me feel like an 8 this morning! Now I'm at about a 9-1/2 again. SO, hoping the next dose I just took either kills me or brings me back to life!

So far, I've watched an entire season of Smallville and I'm halfway through watching Season 4 of 24. I pretty much sleep for a half hour at time, then I wake up choking because the hole at the back of my throat is so small, I can't swallow or breathe.

I wish I could say I'm being a "drama queen", but this really does suck. I'm trying really hard not to "go-there" and believe everything Dave & Gerry said about mono - but tonight while I was hallucinating between asleep and awake. I actually made peace with God, because I was sure that God let me get married, just so I could die!

Well - this is me signing off for the night, I hope you enjoyed my depressing view of the first week of mono.

Love you all!

1 comment:

thesieberts said...

"I actually made peace with God, because I was sure that God let me get married, just so I could die!" Aw Taya! That statement made me laugh and be sad for you babe. lol. I hope you start feeling better a bit more alive soon. The beginning is the worst so don't worry. Let's hook up on msn so we can chat, rather than trying to talk on the phone. Love you. Michelle.