Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Counting Down...

Well, today the Doctor said if baby doesn't come on her own this next week, sounds like Wednesday November 28th I'll be induced! Wow - that's perspective for you! I think Denny got a bit of a nervous stomach tonight, that's a pretty big reality!

All my tests and blood pressure and baby are doing just fine, which is great. Baby's head has come down a bit too which is great news...she's on her way!! I'm so excited! I've been getting contractions and cramps that come for hours and then just disappear for days again. I get a little discouraged, but apparently its not a surprise since my uterus is way bigger than it should be.

God has truly blessed us with so many friends and family members that are praying for us and keep calling for updates. We appreciate everyone so much. The support is overwhelming and we really feel like God's hand has been on us because of everyone's prayers.

My days in bed haven't been too bad. The BP pills make me super sleepy all day, so I don't have energy anyways...I'm getting lotsa rest now while I can!
We can't wait to see our little Maddy-Cake. I am so excited to kiss her face and put her little feet in my mouth! I cried the other day thinking about how hard I pray that she'll come out, but I will miss watching her flipping around in my tummy after she's born. There's nothing like carrying your baby with you everywhere. She's all mine right now, I get her to myself and that feeling cannot be matched I'm sure.
Denny can't wait to read her books and have naps with her...and we are excited to teach her about Jesus and watch her sleep. Not long now!!

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