Saturday, November 17, 2007

Awaiting the End

Well, its close to the end now. 11 sleeps til baby is due, and boy are we anxious! I have been at the hospital a total of 7 times already during this pregnancy between an overnight visit for the flu and the battery of non-stress/blood tests the last two weeks; and yesterday afternoon we got home from a two-night stay due to high blood pressure.

Where the heck the high blood pressure came from beats me. I was pretty relaxed, been home doing not too much, but it hit me hard one day in the doctor's office and boy do they not like that! My BP was 160/98 on Wednesday, so I got admitted right to the hospital after having ultrasound #6 and told by like 3 nurses I'd be induced and would leave with a baby.

Well, the baby didn't happen. They put me on bed rest there and gave me fun pills that make my head tingle. I stayed 2 nights, it was boring, but I have to say pretty restful. I also got fun pills to make me sleep at night, I miss those now that I'm home again!

My blood pressure reacted well to the meds, and my body is not showing signs of being ready to induce, so they sent me home with lots of little yellow pills and strict bed rest. So, now I only get to go to the bathroom. I thought I had it bad before! Soon as I walked in the door, I wanted to clean the house. Good thing Denny's off for the weekend, he can make me stay in bed...

I am taking a break to sit at the computer, but just a little break won't hurt...right?! I have a BP montior at home so I can watch my own BP and I get to continue my 2-3 times weekly visits to Dr's and hospital until baby is born.

The nurses really had us going, we thought for sure we'd have a baby by the weekend, but the specialist didn't want to risk inducing when my body and baby weren't ready if they could get my blood pressure down. They keep telling me they want her to cook a little longer if at all possible. I understand and it makes total sense. Its best for baby to come on her own if we can. Having a c-section is a big risk with all the fibroids of hemorraging and having to have blood transfusions and inducing when body is not ready is almost asking for intervention like c-section or vacuums or forceps. So, we wait now.

If this littel girl doesn't pop out by my due date in 11 sleeps, then they'll induce, or if my BP stops reacting well to meds and goes back up. So, we know we at least won't have to wait much longer than 11 sleeps since they don't want me to pass my due date.

Baby is teaching momma patience already! I feel really relaxed about this, oddly, more than before. Anxious for her to come, but knowing there's an end in sight is making it easier to cope with.

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