Monday, October 09, 2006

Abbi and I are sitting on the couch like lumps, like we've been doing all weekend. Denny went to Thanksgiving dinner tonight without me, dinner at my parents nearly killed me last night - so I have to miss turkey tonight.

Turns out I have mono and I have the worst infection in my throat that I could have ever imagined! I've never been so sick before. I'll be sitting around with my butt on the couch again tomorrow, trying to get better. I can't even fully open my mouth to talk yet!

It's so frustrating being this sick. I feel so bad for Denny because I can't do ANYTHING! It's hard for him to see me like this, because he's used to me pushing myself to get things done, take care of him, make dinner, clean, work hard. Poor guy. But, he's so awesome - he's taking awesome care of me and he bought me flowers today for our "one-month" being married anniversary.

I keep praying he doesn't get sick. It's one thing when you're sick - but it's so hard when someone gets sick because of you, and I know it would be really hard if he had it too. (He doesn't get paid for sick days!) I can't afford to take anymore sick days after tomorrow, it'll just pile up for me and I'll be more stressed when I get back to work - it's the busiest time of year!

Speaking of praying, it seems like I don't even have the energy to do much of that lately either. I feel really disconected from God right now - I really am disappointed that I don't make more of an effort. THAT is what I should be praying about!

1 comment:

thesieberts said...

Hi Tay. Sorry to hear that you're so sick. Mono sucks! I Know! 6 months of it when I was 15. get lots of REAL rest and you'll get better soon...glad to hear you're not doing the "taya-thing" and pushing your butt off to get things done. I'm proud of you. Aight well i'm outty...I miss you lots! Love ya, Michelle